Recruiting Flow
ステップ1 Webエントリー Web entry / Registration
Webエントリーでのご応募を受け付けております。 現在の募集職種をご確認の上、下記よりご応募下さい。
※ 詳細な職務経歴をエントリーフォーム上にご記入ください。
We accept Web entry. Please use the Entry Form to apply.
※ Please give detailed description of your work experience in the entry Form.
ステップ2 選考書類 Resume screening
ステップ3 面接 Interviews
HR and/or hiring department representatives will conduct interviews with applicants.
※ Applicants may be asked to take at multiple interviews on the same day in order to reduce the number of times they need to come to our offices.
ステップ4 オファー Offer
ステップ5 入社 Official Employment at Company
給与 Compensation
your compensation will be determined upon your experience, skills, your role based on company's policy,our offer benefits are competitive in the market.
勤務地 Location
本社(東京都新宿区) *本社以外の勤務地に関しては募集職種に明記本社
Head Office (Shinjuku, Tokyo)
勤務時間 Working hours
原則 9:00~17:00(フレックス制度あり)
9:00 to 17:00 (flex time system)
休日休暇 Holiday and Vacation
Holiday and Vacation (Saturday & Sunday), Japan national holiday, Paid leave, Special holiday, Anniversary holiday etc.
その他 Others
Social Insurance, Benefit One, Training systems (inc. Language lessons), Commutation Allowance
Contact Us
マニュライフ生命保険株式会社 人事部 採用担当
Manulife Life Insurance Company Human Resource, Staffing